Friday, October 12, 2012

Paul Chi

A while ago I came across pages of tributes to Bryan and wished to add my own. It is extraordinary that this man meant so much to so many. He oozed this loving vibe that distance and time did not fade and he stayed connected on a personal level. His presence at the New Troubadours Club in the late 80s and early 90s kept my purist brand of unplugged acoustic singer-songwriter promotion in the Manchester music scene loop, drew distinguished artists to the club such as Johnny Bramwell and David Gray, and invited the respect and appreciation that Bryan wanted for all his diversely creative friends and live music projects.

I adored his lyricism and good humour. Bryan's songs were unusually intelligent and distinctively 'northern'. He also coaxed songs and improvisations out of me like nobody else could and inspired some of my best performances. When I moved to Brighton it seemed inevitable that my connection to Manchester would wane and I suppose it did, but not as far as Bryan was concerned. He was always there at the gates of the city to welcome me when I returned. He remained my main point of contact in Manchester up until the year of his tragic death. Any fool could see that he lived his life to the full and on the edge. I certainly couldn't take the pace of the night life! We would meet up for a coffee and a bite to eat, then a drink... and then I would quit - not Bryan! 

I would just describe him as an unusually loving person with a zest for life that was perhaps too great for any mortal frame to withstand. I wish Bryan could have enjoyed full health and stayed around to receive the appreciation and acknowledgement he deserved. Anyway, I'm an optimist and think somehow that he's getting the message; all the love he ignited in all of us... Thanks Bryan. I do believe he's listening...

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Wednesday, August 01, 2012

Available to buy Bryan Glancy's debut 7" single

Click on the "BUY NOW" button below and pick up a copy Bryan's debut single on Ugly Man Records.  
If you live in Greater Manchester we'll pop it through your door in the next 2 days.   
Thanks for supporting Bryan.

Please send your memories and stories to

Wednesday, July 04, 2012

The Day before the The Day

To whom it may concern.

Bryan Glancy is a singer songwriter of the very highest order.  He is the first human to receive a posthumous Mercury Award.  Strangely little is known of him.  

In the painful days after his sudden and unwanted death, his family graciously allowed this blog to be set up and a small proportion of the lives that Bryan touched have left their personal memories of a truly significant human being.  No two postings are the same because Bryan was many things to many people and that creates a whole lot of Bryans. It's a great read.

An LP is waiting in the wings to scorch into the Mercury betting stakes.  "First two times recipient of the Mercury"  "Bryan Glancy" "Odds 1,000,000,000 to 1 win"   In my book that is looking quite tasty.  Stranger things have happened.  Ask anybody from Alan Turing to Chas Rigby.  

To be honest in my book he's odds on to win.
Please send your memories and stories to

Sunday, June 17, 2012

David Gray

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Thursday, April 19, 2012

Happy Birthday Bryan..... it's coming together.

Please send your memories and stories to